I get daily unsolicited enquiries about advertising and guest posts that people wish to place on this blog. I have learned to ignore or reject almost all of them, often rather tersely. I used to list what sorts of advertising I would accept. Now I’ve learnt to say in plain english what I don’t. SEO hacks will of course ignore this and spam me anyway, but having published this information for them to read (or not) I will feel even more liberated to tell them to go google themselves.
So. I DON’T accept any of the following :
- advertorial
- paid for or unsolicited guest posts
- paid for “contextual links” for SEO purposes
- paid for links of any kind
- sponsored posts
- stuff an unidentified client of an SEO agent using a hotmail address wishes to write for me
- posts that have nothing at all to do with the subject matter of this blog including but not limited to personal injury related content and stuff about dating online
- copy from marketing agents or copywriters without legal credentials.
- anything which involves a top ten*
- material aimed at a U.S. legal audience. For more guidance see blogposts I have written here and here and here.
I do not accept adverts from solicitors firms or organisations who may provide expert witnesses. If, having read this, you would like to discuss options for advertising your organisation please email me at familoo@pinktape.co.uk.
However, There are limited opportunities for advertising on the Pink Tape blog (I know, I’ve probably put you off by now).
All adverts must be submitted in proof for approval prior to final agreement being given. All payment must be made in advance. I reserve the right to remove any approved advert at any time at my sole discretion, in which case pro-rata reimbursement of advertising fees paid will be made.
5% of all advertising revenue generated will be donated via gift aid to BAILII, upon which this blog relies for transcripts of judgments.
I also review books (and occasionally products relevant to my readership) on Pink Tape. Book reviews are occasionally written by colleagues of mine. Please email familoo@pinktape.co.uk if you have a publication you would like me to consider reviewing.
Thanks for your interest. Apologies for the rant.
*unless written by me
Please can you point me in the write direction for information regarding long term cohabitation and pension rights?
Many thanks
Ps I have ordered your book and I’m just waiting for it to arrive.
Hi Suzy,
The book has some information about that. I’m not sure if you mean what are the rights for former cohabitees in relation to pensions? The short answer to that is – none unfortunately, as pension sharing orders are only available on divorce.
i read your blog: Enforcement of Contact Orders – let it be shouted out from the roof-tops
now im having a difficult time try to have access with my son through the children’s panel here in Scotland, has been granted CSO and i have not had contact with my son for a year and half because my ex partner has ignored the contact arrangements came up with so many excuses and basically denied me my rights to be a dad, my son is but just 2yrs now and i have been kept away from him. i love my children to the other side and back, and would protect them from harm, yet i was the excused, never in my life have i ever been treated like this. i dedicated my life to my children and this is what i dont have to show. please tell me that justice does come at a price for some mothers as is not fair to accused responsible fathers
Hello mike, I’m sorry about your difficulties. I can’t advise via this blog and in any event am not qualified to assist in Scotland. You would need a Scottish lawyer.