Life is like a Christmas Fridge…

I have lain in bed for much of the first day of 2025, pretending to be on the verge of taking a shower, and pondering what to make of it. An inauspicious start to a year that I fear is going to be another complicated one chez nous. I have been doom scrolling crochet memes and pondering how to approach 2024. I am still smarting from my 50th birthday and feeling my age, and the events of 2024 have reminded me of my own mortality.  Perhaps it’s the Christmas booze, but I keep daydreaming about the many ways in which life is like a Christmas fridge, which one day someone will unceremoniously unplug. The only resolution I’ve managed to make before dusk on day 1 is that I will write a blog post about why life is like a Christmas fridge. I’m regretting that already. I could have resolved to give up booze, stop eating food rich in carbs and fat and todo more exercise. But unfortunately my fridge is like a Christmas fridge and my wine rack is like a Christmas wine rack, and I can’t let it go to waste. There is still a whole baking camembert, a large wedge of brie and a host of other frankly unappetising cheese based products in the fridge, not to mention that 3 of the stockpile of port bottles remain, along with some rather nice claret. What is a slightly overweight middle aged girl to do but obligingly not let it go to waste/waist?

You see, life is like a Christmas fridge because its full of a variety of amazing tasty looking things, but some of them have a use by date and if you don’t eat them you must throw them away. Which is sad and wasteful. And sometimes life is like a Christmas fridge because you have to constantly take everything out to fit just one more thing in, or to get to the one thing you need at the back – and sometimes you even have to sacrifice something by taking it out just to make space for something that has a higher refrigeration need than the removed item. Decisions, decisions. Impossible decisions. And this is when you find yourself eating a whole xxxinsert item herexxx that you had to eat because there wasn’t room for it in the fridge.

Life is like a Christmas fridge because all those things in the fridge are like things I store in my brain. Sherlock has a mind palace. I have a Christmas fridge. Sometimes things languish forgotten at the back, never to be seen again. Sometimes they are retrieved and slung in the waste basket of life, and other times they have to be sacrificed to make room for new information that I need space for. The older I get the more I have that feeling that I am chucking out valuable information just to make way for enough room for whatever I’m working on now. Not only does require an increasingly sophisticated approach to stock rotation, but it squeezes out some of the good stuff that you really want to save. Memories of faces and moments constantly sliding down the back of the fridge into that place where all the gunky stuff goes. The older I get the more I feel like I need to get those memories out and feast on them just to make sure they are appreciated and deliver the joy (and sometimes sadness) that they were destined to give before the fridge door light goes off and they expire. No roast potato wants to go uneaten into the food recycling bin of life. And I’m pretty sure the light doesn’t stay on whilst the door is shut (I feel that this is probably a very profound metaphor, but I will need another snack in order to be able to truly understand it).

So, life is also like a Christmas fridge because you have to make choices. Sometimes one can be proud of one’s fridge efficiency. On Boxing Day I was exceedingly proud of my turkey leek and ham pie and boxing day pasties (made up of the leftover sprouts, sweet potato, roasties, turkey and peas and wrapped in the extra bits of pastry). But truth be told, I *still* have a largish hunk of 7 day old turkey which I know I will need to bin but don’t really want to admit I have failed to use up. It is skulking in the back of the fridge behind the camembert, like a guilty secret dressed in tinfoil. I know the moment of terminal decay is approaching – has probably arrived – and I will have to slide whole shelves of once tasty items into the black bag.

Life is like a Christmas fridge because there is always someone who is phobic or allergic to something inside it. Gluten, mushrooms, cheese…As it is in fridge, so it is in life. Increasingly, I keep my fridge door tight shut for fear I might provoke an unexpected attack of hives or anaphylactic shock, by the simple act of waving an offensive sausage in the air. Everyone is allergic to something in my fridge. Me, I’ll try most things once, and will spit out only a few items (cucumber, celery, dried fruit and anything pickled since you ask).

Oh, life really is like a Christmas fridge. I should be happy that my fridge is so well stocked – some people are only given a small carton of curdled milk, a rind of cheese, a dead fly and a half a mouldy cucumber on the top shelf – but at times it is an overwhelming and paralysing burden that sees me eating toast and making another cup of tea when I should be cooking some mad made up recipe of my own, or writing that novel I have been ‘about to write’ for several decades.

Yes, life is like a Christmas fridge. And I really should be feasting while I’m everything is still in date, and the light still works, rather than typing inane blogs as a distraction tactic. So, I’m off to make a cuppa and bake a camembert, whilst I ponder my next move. One thing’s for sure though. The answer is not to strive for a bigger fridge, but instead to make better use of it’s contents.

May 2025 bring you a varied diet of deliciousness, and a feeling of postprandial contentment.

What a week

Well. It’s been a week, hasn’t it?

It’s Friday night and I’m holed up in my office-cum-santa’s-grotto (one has to forge a path through the amazon boxes to reach the desk) contemplating life and everything family law related this Friday evening….the teenagers have taken over the common space and I don’t want to cramp their style. It’s rare to see them socialising, so I am happy to hear them down the hall messing about while I decompress from the week. So I thought I’d knock out a blog post.

I feel as if things have been zooming across the top of my inbox and news feed all week and it’s been hard to keep up. Here are the things that have stuck with me. You will forgive me if I don’t bother with links or references. I’m sure you can find the things I’m referring to with the help of google (if you haven’t seen them already).

We’ve had the new alienating behaviours guidance from the FJC. A long wait, and much better in final form than the draft I saw last year, which was a bit all over the place. I think it’s a useful document and much needed. It doesn’t change the law, rather it consolidates what we know (or ought to know) and provides a roadmap to not getting it wrong. It doesn’t preclude the court dealing with cases of genuine psychological manipulation leading to rejection, but it will (I hope) make it a lot harder to wave around allegations of PA at the first hint of someone saying ‘no I don’t agree’ to an entitled or controlling parent. I was a bit surprised to see that Rights of Women (with whom I agree on many things) were critical of the guidance. I don’t think it is either possible or desirable to stop the court considering allegations of alienating behaviours entirely (even if it is possible to kill off reference to PAS or parental alienation as something proved by virtue only of rejection by a child) – for example, we should not forget that in some cases the perpetrators of domestic abuse are also effective in manipulating their children into rejecting their parent. Alienating behaviours can be a form of domestic abuse, control or punishment. The two important things for me are that: if the allegation is made it is methodically and objectively scrutinised and determined, and that the court is live to the potential for such allegations to be used sloppily or weaponised – and this guidance will help on both fronts, I think.

We’ve had news that the BSB tribunal upheld findings of professional misconduct against Jo Sidhu (although they decided that much of his admitted behaviour was not serious enough to amount to professional misconduct – views on that may vary, I suspect), and that the tribunal also kicked out the attempt by the BSB to secure professional misconduct charges against Charlotte Proudman for being rude about a judge in a case she was involved in. I don’t agree with everything Charlotte says or does, and many members of the bar would not have published those tweets in respect of the judge in their case (or any judge) even if they agreed with the sentiments – but it does seem right that this was thrown out. As the tribunal concluded, judges should be (and are) a little bit more thick skinned than was suggested by the charges. They can withstand a bit of criticism. A useful reminder also that lawyers do still have Article 10 rights, albeit attenuated in some circumstances where necessary to avoid bringing the bar into disrepute.

We’ve had confirmation that the (children) Reporting Pilot will roll out in the new year to all courts in the jurisdiction – but under the auspices of an amended practice direction (27B) – and no longer a pilot. It’s baby brother the (financial) Reporting Pilot will roll out to the whole jurisdiction too, but still with its training wheels on in pilot form. One can only expect it to follow suit in due course.

We’ve had news of the conviction of Urfan Sharif and his partner Beinash Batool of the murder of Sara Sharif, release of information about the extensive involvement of social services and the family court. Two sets of care proceedings (concluding in supervision orders), and finally private law proceedings in 2019 resulting in a transfer of care from mother to father against a known backdrop of allegations of domestic abuse towards the mother and abuse of children by him in the past – and not a fact finding in sight. We don’t yet understand the full reasons for the decisions made or the information available to the judge at the time (or indeed the positions of the various parties at the point of the final decisions), but in recognition of the public importance of these questions Williams J has permitted release to the media of many relevant documents (which is how we know what I have just summarised). More controversially, Williams J imposed a bar on naming not only the social workers, but also the judge who made the decisions in all 3 sets of proceedings – and did so without advance warning to the media or any application being made. That is a decision that social media tells me is likely to be the subject of challenge. One can perhaps understand why – it is highly unusual. A wish to protect individuals from a media frenzy when the facts are not yet known may be behind it – we know from past cases that scapegoating can happen (I did a media interview yesterday and already the questions were all about what had gone wrong and who was too blame – before the facts are fully known). But. To afford a judge anonymity is rare indeed and requires exceptional justification. Particularly where the public interest is so obviously high and the information that is in the public domain begs some obvious questions (to which I don’t venture an answer as there isn’t enough information). We do not yet know what that justification is or whether it passes muster, as no judgment is yet public. We wait to see what happens on that front.

Alongside that report came a report setting out a shockingly high number of instances of death or serious harm to children each year, a reminder that sadly Sara Sharif’s case is not isolated and that it has all the hallmarks of being yet another case where there has been insufficient information sharing leading to a child falling through the net and opportunities being missed. Perhaps so with Sara, though we await the Safeguarding Review (surprisingly it appears this will be a local review not a national one). Many of the responses from people of influence (PM, Childrens’ Commissioner) seem focused on the issue of home schooling, which in my inexpert view may not be the best or only target for reform here (we don’t yet know what steps were taken by the school or social workers between Sara being pulled out of school and her death – was there a further referral or attempts to visit her, for example?). There are lots of good reasons why children are home schooled or withdrawn from school – many related to their profile of need and the inability of the state or the broken SEN system to meet those needs. I was struck when hearing the proposal that there would be a bar on home schooling for children where there are child protection concerns (what happens if they are a school refuser or have special needs which cannot be met by their named placement?), by the thought that this seemed like it might be one of those ‘something must be done’ responses. We already have the rarely used section 43 Child Assessment Orders, which might conceivably do the job without ramping up the situation in the way that proposals to ban home schooling where there is CP concern might do. What children removed from school in concerning circumstances like Sara (after a child protection concern about bruising was raised) need is EYES on them, social work, assessment. I don’t offer any firm view on the ‘right’ answer to this, but wonder if it might be better to look at reform with a clear head than in the febrile 48 hours after a conviction. Otherwise we may risk unintended consequences or more ‘we must never let this happen again’ which sounds good but doesn’t actually improve anything. That said, these are my thoughts in the 48 hours after conviction and they may be immediately shot down as wrong headed. But it would be good if someone would look at the laws and powers that we do have before racing to make new ones.

What else? The President of the Family Division published his first Annual Report, first promised in 2021 last week. Whilst long awaited, in fact it doesn’t contain much we didn’t know already, and appears to include statistics on case duration that don’t quite match those released by HMCTS today.

There is probably more. But that’s really enough isn’t it? A lot to ponder on for one week. All alongside our own cases – cases about real children whose words we read, whose faces we see, and whose lives we pore over – alongside whatever joys and stresses are happening at home in our own families. I have been reminded in recent weeks that for every overworked barrister maintaining a professional facade there is a personal and family life that continues and requires their input and attention. The illness or mental health challenges of children, partners, parents or spouses. The pressing appointments and tasks that need to be attended to for their sake or to maintain our own health. All alongside a working diet of sadness and trauma in the things we read, hear, analyse and dream about.

So, next week I will be winding down for Christmas. I still have some work work to complete, but I will also be carrying out important life admin – making medical appointments, liaising with SENCOs, visiting elderly family members, spending time owed with the kids and preparing for Christmas and a bit of a break before starting it all again in the new year.

And breathe….Cherish your children, cherish your family.

Excuse me, I must break off to quel some over excited teenagers and an xbox….

The Law Show

I had to get up at 5.30am to make it to the studio to record The Law Show for BBC Radio 4. I was somewhat sleep deprived anyway as a result of having a hurty leg over the weekend (don’t laugh it’s been excruciating). I woke groggy from some interesting new medication with no idea where my respectable clothes were. And so it seemed reasonable to dress, as they say, for radio.

Only they had CAMERAS. Goddamnit. Fortunately, they didn’t spot any hot takes that they wanted to show a clip of. So you will never know how quite how rough I looked. In fact I don’t even know why I’m confessing this here.

Anyway, I had intended to post something here in advance of the show airing and failed dismally to remember, but lucky for you it’s still available on BBC Sounds and is re-airing next Tues evening at 9pm.

So, fill your boots. The Law Show – on family courts. Me, Sanchia Berg, Samantha Woodham and host Dr Joelle Grogan.

Hopefully a bit informative and interesting.

Watch here.