a famous 15 mins

ok 15 mins jogging isn’t much but I’ve been painfully edging towards it for a couple of weeks. Afew days ago 15 mins solid jogging with no stops and today the same but I covered a lot more ground in that time. In my terms that’s a real achievement, but goodness only knows how I’m going to pick up the pace in time for September, its tough finding time to run, time when the other half can watch the baby and when he doesn’t need feeding changing or his nappies washed. and even tougher when I don’t really want to go…

2 thoughts on “a famous 15 mins

  1. Good work,

    In my experience you don’t need to do a full 13 miles before you half marathon. If you’ve done 8 or 9 a few times then you’ll be able to do 13 no probs 🙂

    Hope you have a new pair of trainers to which you should really only use for running. Training in knackered shoes won’t help your shins at all :). It’s a good idea if you haven’t got a new pair to go to a specialist running shop where they can see what type of jogging style you have and match your trainer accordingly.

    Good luck !

  2. I have got some new running shoes, nothing v expensive, but I plan to upgrade nearer the time. Thanks for the encouragement!

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