A really interesting article in yesterday’s Times by barrister Martha Cover at Coram. It sets out why the introduction of procedures designed to protect at risk children may have had the opposite effect to that desired – by discouraging the issue of proceedings in favour of focus on the provision of low level support services. She explains very well the process of ‘threshold inflation’ which has put children at risk and the switch-on-switch-off mechanism which enables services to be withdrawn from families who bounce along the bottom, every time there is a minor improvement.
[I have deleted the bulk of your comment because I consider it is couched in highly inflammatory terms and makes allegations against individuals and organisations that I consider inappropriate and offensive. The balance of your comment follows. I suggest if you want a forum through which to comprehensively set out your own views on these topics you consider using your own blog not mine.]
What has this baby child’s death to do with any family law practitioner.