Friday Oddments

More good stuff on the Haigh / Hemming / Booker / Watson sagathon:

John Hemming’s Extraordinary Defence on Head of Legal. A must read.

Christopher Booker sets us straight: about Judge Wall, the secrecy rules, and another stinging attack, saying “When journalists judges have such power to make their own rules about what can and cannot be reported, it places a special responsibility on them to be rather more measured in their language than they sometimes allow themselves to be.” Beautiful. Just exquisitely beautiful.

No judgment yet. I’ve tweeted @JudiciaryUK to ask them when but no response.

Also, an interesting Court of Protection case is reported – where Mostyn J held that accommodation of a child pursuant to s20 CA 1989 i.e. with the parents’ consent cannot amount to a deprivation of liberty.

There was a lot more on my list. BUT. It’s Friday and it’s 15:43. And I’ve cleared my desk. I may just slope off home…

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