It was a slow old day today. A spot of overlisting and a lot of hanging around at court, a couple of hours on a train….The iphone has had a workout today – I cleared all my backlog of unread RSS feeds, gorged on twitter and read Metro from cover to cover whilst languishing in a 3G deadzone, and still had time for some shoe shopping*.
So here are some of the fruits of my labour:
- John Bolch in Family Lore beat me to it with his post about judicial support for no fault divorce and the response of the Daily Mail to it: Another blow to journalism.
- The New Yorker carries an extremely long but absorbing article about the Daily Mail and our national obsession with it (love it or hate it): Mail Supremacy: The Newspaper that Rules Britain.
- Bailli report a judgment from last summer which, amongst other things, offers a few choice words about case management and unacceptable delay: Re R (Children) [2011] EWCA Civ 1795 (h/t Family Lore)
- Head of Legal has posted some interesting commentary on a case currently awaiting judgment from the Supreme Court, but which relates to the age old problem of the benefits system failing to recognise the diverse ways in which families are structured in the modern world: Humphreys v HMRC.
- Cherie Booth, patron of Coram Children’s Legal Centre launches a free online legal service.
- Prof Gary Slapper explains cross examination (useful for litigants in person on one level): The art of cross examination.
- Oh, and @_millymoo from Beneath the Wig shares her thoughts on shared care (actually I read this last week and forgot to mention it): Shared Care – Ideal for whom?
* Needless to say I was not doing any of this at the expense of paying attention to my case, there was just a lot of waiting time when nothing productive could be achieved.