Clare’s Law

Today the Guardian published a piece I wrote about the proposed Clare’s Law. You can read it here: Why Clare’s Law won’t prevent domestic violence 

You might also like to read a rather more eloquent discussion of the same topic by Libby Brooks, also in the Guardian: ‘Clare’s law’ offers nothing but empty empowerment 

Still haven’t managed to write Part 2 of my Martin Narey Adoption Report post. I haven’t forgotten. But it’s been impossible to squeeze it in this week. And it looks like I will be spending my birthday weekend with a mountain of lever arch files, so don’t expect it immediately.




2 thoughts on “Clare’s Law

  1. As a profession, we really need to come up with a more creative approach to nomenclature! :-

  2. I’d suggest that it wouldn’t do anything but create a different sort of abuse through the misuse of the law. There will always be psycho’s in the world and a risk to all of us that we will come across one by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This law seems like tabloids making it to parliament and i thought the NOW was kaput

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