I’ve had two very different articles published today, both about attempts to end things:
- an article on the bringing to a close of children proceedings through the making of orders under s91(14) Children Act 1989: Section 91(14) Orders – A Never Ending Story? (Family Law Week), and
- an article on the attempt to bring an end to civil legal aid by the government: Ignore the warnings about legal aid changes and risk meltdown in courts (Guardian)
Those responsible for the latter could do to take a leaf out of the former: draconian powers, not to be used summarily…sadly we read today that the Government is planning to fast track the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill – second reading on Weds next week. That is really, really shoddy: politics at its worst.
Interesting; however, the big question is have you got long or short hair, or are their two Lucy’s practising at St John’s.
just me and my cropped doppleganger evil twin…