Universal Disorder

Although the comments have kept flowing pretty much continuously since I last posted, there has not been much in the way of new material here lately. I’ve been busy with the day job. To the point where my house, my laundry and my hair is in total disarray (to be precise: more disarray than is usual).

Tonight is the first night for about a week when I haven’t been working till midnight, and whilst I don’t really have the stamina to write anything substantial I thought you might like this, courtesy of Laurie Anstis:

With a certain freaky prescience, I have found myself applying the first technique in my advocacy of late in the hope that my opponents and the judge might give in, exhausted by my vigorous and persistent pursuit of my client’s case.  The jury (sorry judge) is still out on how effective that may prove to be, but it is at least encouraging that no judge has yet ordered my summary execution.

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