Hodge Podge

I have some podge going begging. So whilst my new weight loss kick is distracting me from proper blogging on account of me having to spend several hours a day looking wan and draping the back of my hand weakly across my brow, you can have my leftover hodge podge, my bubble and squeak of blogging.

Adam Wagner’s post: Government’s ‘war’ on Judicial Review panned is worth a read. Quite satisfying to read response after response saying, in a more – or less – polite way :”WTF? Eedyets.”

Next up: The Lord Chancellor appears to be getting a bit of a pummelling, much to the delight of several in my twitter stream. He seems to be rather unpopular with the criminal bar. Can’t think why.

Thirdly, Marilyn Stowe has published a new book: Divorce & Splitting Up: Advice From a Top Divorce Lawyer, which is virtually free to download on Kindle. I haven’t read it myself yet but have read the extracts on Amazon, and it certainly looks as if it may be a valuable resource for many in the coming months, although it seems (based on the preview extracts – which may not be representative) to be primarily written from the perspective of a female readership.

Finally, the Criminal Bar Association seems to have revived it’s oft dormant twitter account and started a blog. I predict fireworks, of which there were a few following the CBA’s initial reaction to the Cab Rank Rule Research Report published by the LSB that I blogged on last week.

There have been a number of blog commentaries on the value of the Cab Rank Rule since I posted, and some of them can be found here:

Richard Moorhead at Lawyerwatch wrote Cab Rank Rules or Bar Room Brawls.

Notabarrister blog wrote The Cab Rank Rule What is it Good For (Absolutely Nothing?) 

Clerkingwell blog offered Cab Rank – Whose Rule is it Anyway?

And finally (finally finally) the Family Justice Board published its action plan which, you will observe, I have avoided writing about because as noted by Suesspicious Minds it is so deathly dull – however whilst I didn’t have the energy to try and make it into a mildly entertaining blog post, Suesspicious Minds has made a veritable silk purse out of it. All I have the heart to observe is that they will be getting round to producing some stuff to help SRLs a year or so after D Day. Grrrrrr-eat as Tony used to say.

2 thoughts on “Hodge Podge

  1. You should come to my office. All food brought in is passed through a machine called a decaloriser.

    At least that’s what we tell ourselves when somebody has a Big Birthday or gets engaged and brings in the Gooey and Gorgeous!

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