Two more books, still working on that novel…

Hot on the heels of the second edition of Transparency in the Family Courts, released last week, I received these beauties in the post today. The Public Law Dictionary is a new addition to this family of dictionaries, and I am one of the authors. Other titles include Private Law, TLATA and Inheritance Act, and Financial Remedies.

It feels good to have both projects off my to do list, all finished and on my desk in glossy covered hard copy.

You can buy a copy of the Dictionaries via Class Legal here. They come in print or ebook format (including pdf if you prefer that), and the digital versions are a bit cheaper at £65.

For those who asked about discounts for the Transparency Book – the publishers for that, Bloomsbury, have kindly provided a discount code for junior FLBA members – check your inbox for that code as it went out in a recent FLBA mail out.


Anyway, that’s me done with legal textbooks for a while (although I have a further book project that I have long promised to do, which I probably should dust off and crack on with when the pace of life allows).

One of these days I will get around to some fiction… As I approach the half decade I am STILL mulling over my brilliant first novel…which I started when I was 18 and have been intermittently pondering ever since… I have the opening purple paragraphs written by teenaged me stashed away for when I finally think of a plot to accompany them.


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