Two TidBits – Make that Three

Two unconnected pieces of info for you:

Firstly, the Bar Standards Board has approved barristers forming LDPs. Big changes ahead I think. Thanks to the LAG blog for this.

Secondly, PM on Radio 4 briefly covered the CAFCASS Crisis today – tomorrow they will run another slot with comment from Guardians. On Radio 4 tomorrow (Weds) between 5 and 6pm.


I have to post a link to this story reported today in The Times about the LSC refusing to fund new cases being taken on by solicitors. Yet another bit falls off the wagon. The whole system is falling to pieces.

Proposed Legal Aid Reforms ‘Too Simple’ Admit LSC

‘Scoop’ to Family Law Week – it seems that (whisper it) the message may be beginning to get through – the proposed scheme might need a leetle tweaking. Nice of them to acknowledge that after we’ve all submitted our responses to the consultation but before the close of play (midnight tonight). If they’d admitted that before we could have saved our energy for responding to the revised proposals which will now inevitably follow. I wonder what next…

Family Law Bar Report – the lowdown

Although most of the professional press have failed to grasp the concept of ’embargo’ I, out of politeness, have waited until today to post about this report, which in essence tells you everything that you could hope to know about the family bar. You can already read about the report in the Gazette and Times as posted yesterday. Also see the interview with Desmond Browne QC (Chairman of the Bar) on Today on Saturday.


It’s a long document (200 odd pages) and I’m not going to cover it all here. But here are some of the key items for me,  some of it not detailed in articles published so far.


Press coverage this week is likely to include The Guardian (today) and Times on Thursday. I will post links when available.


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