Should’ve been a surgeon

Sharp and incisive? I like that. But it is not merely the massaging of my delicate lawyer’s ego contained within it that leads me to commend Charon QC’s Blawg Review #292. It is in other respects quite a tour de force. Some have called it epic, others epicurean: I shall call it…epicacious (a phrase I coined about ooh – ten seconds ago and which is a hybrid of efficacious: successful in producing a desired or intended result and epic: heroic or grand in scale or character).

There is much more in BR 292 than items of interest to family lawyers, but this particular gem did stick out:

After tastelessly tweeting that they could not believe that “Two people bought a #divorce from on Christmas Day”…. these chaps have gone one better and are now having a competition to let people WIN a divorce. Continue Reading…

Blawg Review #226

This week Pink Tape is proudly hosting Blawg Review, and in keeping with longstanding tradition I will be entering into the spirit of transatlantic competition.
I love America and America loves me

I love America and America loves me


I’m sensing though that we Brits are not so popular over the pond at the moment, what with releasing all our poorly prisoners because our health service is cracking under the strain of treating them (or something). I know it’s serious because (and I quote:) ‘a spokesman for the Scotch Whisky Association said yesterday it was ‘monitoring’ the situation’ (see jailhouselawyers various posts on the Al Megrahi diplomatic firestorm). And whilst the debate about our NHS also seems to be creating a certain amount of civil strife over the pond, the good staff of the NHS have knuckled down and worked some kind of magic on Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs who has now recovered enough to go back home (considered here by Head of Legal). So I’ll tread carefully and try not to upset the septics amongst the blawg review readership (Mr PinkTape is American so I have special dispensation to call you that, right?). I promise not to be as vile as Geeklawyer, national treasure though he is.
 British Summer Time
Traditional British Beach Holiday

Traditional British Beach Holiday

And in keeping with that healthy rivalry between US and British Blawgreviewers I’ll be musing on something we Brits do in a style all of our own: summer. Yes, the British summer – music festivals, silly season for newspapers, incessant discussion of whether or not the rain will hold off long enough to get the barbeque out and inappropriate, embarrassing, pasty, flabby British nudity at the first whiff of sunshine… And so we begin.


At this time of year 90% of all sensible lawyers are holidaying at their summer retreat, leaving pigeonholes to fill and overflow and the juniors to pick up the pieces. Only the obsessives, the skivvies and the family lawyers remain working through the court vacation (family breakdown doesn’t pause in the summer which is prime time for international child abduction and beer fueled relationship ending arguments involving barbeque implements), the ever-industrious John Bolch is a case in point. But even Geeklawyer has hung up his wig in favour of an ill advised floppy hat and headed off to a field somewhere, where he appears to have rampaged gleefully between burger vans and the strappy topped ladeez. He’ll probably bill for it though.

. Continue Reading…