Barrister, Boys and Baby!

I don’t laugh out loud when reading very often. I’ve just read about half a dozen of the most recent articles on this blog which I have just discovered and I have laughed hysterically all the way through (probably even through the bits that aren’t meant to be amusing). Its a bit like looking into my own future (only far more eloquent). I especially liked the chicken poo and the items up the nose.

two loos

two reasons for pointing you in the direction of this blog and specifically this post: firstly its a really interesting but tragic post about a 10 year old child bride taking herself off to court to obtain a divorce from the husband who repeatedly raped her (and an interesting blog generally from the looks of things). And on a lighter note because this is the blog of the other Lucy Reed, lawyer. Somehow I’m thinking her legal life is oh so much more Ally McBeal / LA Law etc etc than Edmonton county court on a wet Monday.

(yes I did find this whilst googling my own name, but in my defence its only because I’m bored sitting here being stood up by CharonQC)