Free Life Coaching

Someone from life coach directory has emailed me, very kindly offering to write an article about life coaching because my readers might find it interesting. But actually I’m going to take on this task myself, and I will throw in a free life coaching tip of my own: if you would like someone to support and encourages you to fulfil your potential and really make the most of your life or to help empower you to take control of your life you could pay a professional life coach. However some life coaches offer these services for free: this type of life coach is called “a friend”.

Bah humbug.

This advertorial for the services of life coaches was provided at no cost.

4 thoughts on “Free Life Coaching

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by alistair, Lucy Reed. Lucy Reed said: New blogpost on Pink Tape #familylaw: Free Life Coaching […]

  2. excellent idea.

    just as a preliminary matter, have you any idea where as a parent i could get a life so that i could one day employ a life coach? i appear to have misplaced mine.

    • I’ve just had a eureka moment. Family barristers ARE life coaches with legal knowledge!! when the cuts bite i will seague seamlessly into life coaching. IN FACT…maybe parties could be diverted from litigation by the provision of life coaching under legal aid. Happy people don’t litigate.

      i’m afraid that an answer to your question would in fact amount to provision of life coaching services. But my rates are very reasonable. 😉

  3. soon as i get a life you can coach it; promise.

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