I’ve been staring at text all day, so I thought a graphic representation of some dry old figures would be a good idea: Why do Marriages Fall Apart? These stats are for the US rather than the UK, but nonetheless they are instructive, beautiful and Pink. Thankyou @waugaman.
AMENDED 01/02/11: I had neglected to notice that the poor people who worked so hard to put this infographic had been left out of the loop – here is a link to the original, so they can feel some of the glory too.
I remember reading a great line about marriage in the James Bond book, Diamonds are Forever:
“Most marriages don’t add two people together. They subtract one from the other.”
I don’t know how true that is… but it’s an interesting thought. 🙂
I’m struggling to get my brain around that concept actually. Along with the idea of Ian Fleming as marriage guidance counsellor!
Really? I’m surprised you’re not more of a marriage-cynic working in family law. :p
But, yes, I agree – I.F. wouldn’t exactly an obvious choice for giving out relationship advice.
Actually, being surrounded by damaged and unhappy families and broken relationships really makes you appreciate the value of family and of stability – whatever shape that comes in. I’m married as it happens, but I don’t think that’s the only way to build a family unit.