Wikio Rankings

For those new to the world of legal blogging Wikio’s top 20 is a good place to start. There are a few I had not been aware of, and a few old favourites. A few goodies are notably absent, for example the illustrious Charon QC but this I suspect is because he is allergic to prizes, rankings or anything involving an award (He would have been embraced by the PE teachers at my secondary school in the ’80s (when competition in sports was outlawed for fear of damaging delicate and not very athletic flowers like myself)).

Wikio’s rankings for May:

1 Jack of Kent
2 UK Human Rights Blog
4 The Open Rights Group Blog
5 XpertHR – Employment Intelligence
6 Head of Legal
7 Lords of the Blog
8 TechnoLlama
9 The 1709 Blog
10 Jailhouselawyer’s Blog
11 Employment law from People Management
12 Inforrm’s Blog
13 Free Movement
14 The Magistrate’s Blog
15 The Landlord Law Blog
16 Law: Afua Hirsch’s law blog |
17 nearlylegal
18 Law and Lawyers
19 Pink Tape
20 Family Lore

Ranking made by Wikio

8 thoughts on “Wikio Rankings

  1. Indeed… I have made it very clear to Wikio that if I ever appear on one of their absurd ranking lists (I am dyslexic on occasion) I shall have to kick orf and do a bit of legal biz 🙂

    Wikio listings are not a fair view… I am advised by industry professionals..and…. to be on WIKIO… one has to register… I am advised.

    Load of nonsense….like much on twitter, Klout and Linked In

    • I was just about to reply saying this cannot be true since I have not signed up, but in fact, it appears I must have done so at some distant point in the past. So that’s a bit disappointing – number 20 of those signed up to Wikio rather than number 20 in “THE WORLD” (sinister muhahaha! laugh). My ego can cope with being a modest fish in a modest self selecting pond…But at least I trumped Bolch 😉 Anyway, we all know you are the tops Charon – no competition there. kisses mwah! xxx

  2. I have no interest or desire to be top in anything… I am an outsider who blogs. I’ll keep it that way 🙂

    I am not aligned to anything or any grouping.


    I treat all bloggers equally and could not care where they are ranked… this transatlantic nonsense is depressing… although Wikio is based in Belgium… I see.

  3. And… if anyone is daft enough to register my blog with Wikio….. then I shall have to contact Wikio to demand removal 🙂

    I do applaud good awards for other people…. I never accept any awards (and have declined in the past when offered) – apart from John Bolch’s marvellous OSCARS… The Clawbies – is like a gift… and I like Canadians. They do not take their awards too seriously – no voting, no ranking….

    One of my companies years ago won an award… from government… I did not attend… a colleague of mine donned the dickie bow…..

    I know it sounds curmudgeonly…. but… there we are… I do all I can to encourage good law blogging by posting in my various Law Reviews…..

    And… as I do have to say on occasion.. Charon QC is a figment of my imagination… he gives awards to himself.

    Admiral The Lord Charon of The Red
    The Staterooms

  4. I have never registered with anyone, yet I appear on the list.

    I suppose that there is only one thing worse than being talked about etc….

  5. I keep on getting emails from Wikio every so often but ignore them, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never signed up to anything. I’ve no idea where they get their information from and assume the whole thing is entirely arbitrary.

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