how lovely of you to stop by…

Hi. If you’ve popped over because of *that judgment* you are probably looking for stuff about covert recording. I had a root around for that in my nik nak drawer earlier, because I had a hunch you might stop round, and I found two posts…

Just for the record…


Show Me The Primary Evidence

There is plenty of stuff on The Transparency Project site, including an earlier blog about *that* case. And of course, Suesspicious Minds blog has much good stuff too.

Anyway, lovely to see you. I’m off out, but do help yourself to tea and biscuits. Stick your mug in the sink and be sure to close the latch when you leave…

3 thoughts on “how lovely of you to stop by…

  1. Once there’s been a couple of years when social workers of whatever hue have managed to avoid being savaged in court for their work and there are strict laws on record keeping by social services (as with the police) that are enforced properly. that’s the time to stop recording…

  2. (and i was impressed by your namecheck)

  3. What do local authorities have to hide???

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