One of the reasons Pink Tape has been somewhat neglected of late is that, along with Transparency Project colleagues Julie and Paul, I have been writing a book about Transparency for Bloomsbury (The publish Harry Potter!! I know, right?), which is about to be published :
Transparency in the Family Courts: Publicity and Privacy in Practice
As a result, I have foolishly agreed to speak at the Bloomsbury Family Law Conference, on 16 May in London. I may* borrow my son’s Elder Wand as a prop, accompanied by intermittent cries of ‘Stupefy!!’).
*I won’t
Below you can see me talking about transparency (with hand gestures but no wand), in response to questions from fellow muggle Paul Magrath.
If you are still interested in buying the book after watching me pontificate, you can get a 15% discount using this code : BPTFC15. See how much I love you all?
If you are not yet persuaded, watch out for the stonkingly lovely foreword from Lord Justice McFarlane which I think will probably be posted on the Bloomsbury site in the near future (or maybe here if I’m allowed).