Don’t panic – I’m back!

I know. It’s been weeks and weeks since I posted even the most banal of posts. I’ve got out of the rhythm.

But it wasn’t for a lack of ideas – I’m fizzing with ’em, I just haven’t found the time to formulate them and put finger to keypad…

The good news is that I’ve just published a post that had got stuck in the works, and hopefully normal service will now resume.

It is probably prudent to write myself a to do list to ensure I actually keep the promises I have made to myself. So, coming soon (forthwith indeed) will be posts on :

  • wellbeing
  • that case involving a bullying judge in a care case, overturned on appeal
  • the BSB’s new guidance on our use of social media

In the meantime you may feast upon my humblebrag :

This year I was a mite disappointed *dramatic sniff* to receive the decidedly underwhelming review in the Legal 500 that said no more than what areas of law I covered, without any actual attempt to give a view as to how well I did them. This seemed to be me to be a bit pointless – if I was good enough to be ‘ranked’ someone somewhere must have said something vaguely more useful than ‘is a lawyer in x field’… Indeed they had, but I suspect I was the victim of a spreadsheet mix up…

Anyway, after some therapeutic sharing on twitter with other underwhelmingly described lawyers (it turns out all the best of us have had this experience) I was surprised to be tweeted by the editor to tell me he’d tweaked my entry…(For the record no smarties were exchanged in return for this tweakage).

Anyhoo, my Legal 500 entry now says I am,

A highly competent barrister who works diligently and with determination to solve complex cases.

And Chambers and Partners say,

Lucy has an incredible memory for detail and is supportive to both client and solicitor through the process. She is involved in case managing and representing, and wades through vast tranches of material with ease.

I am amused by the idea of me ‘solving’ complex cases, like some sort of sleuth – I may trade in my wig for a deerstalker… and, in light of the imagery conjured up by the second quote (which I keep visualising as me literally wading through vast trenches of *material*) I may need to invest in some galoshes and a nose peg…

However, it’s probably all a bit too wordy for a good slogan, so I’m thinking of condensing these as follows :

Reed : Sifting that sh*t with a smile.

Who wouldn’t wanna hire me based on that strapline, right…? OK, maybe not…

Anyway, I think these reviews are worth a #humblebrag so I’ve paid my #humblebrag fine to Billable hour. And thanks to whoever was kind enough to speak kindly to Legal 500 / Chambers & Partners about my bog snorkelling skills.

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